2025年第13屆農曆新年歡慶暨首屆慈善募捐會 13th Annual Lunar New Year Party & First Charity Fundraiser

Mental Health Association for Chinese Communities 美國華裔精神健康聯盟

MHACC 雙語部落格 Bilingual Blog

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2025年1月18日,在農曆青蛇年的春光裡,美國華裔精神健康聯盟(MHACC)在怡景麗苑 Pacific Lighthouse 隆重舉辦了第13屆農曆新年歡慶暨首屆慈善募捐會,吸引了300多位來賓參加,共襄盛舉。


聯盟資深副執行長 Carole Wang 分享了她剛從南加山火救災工作的經歷。她提到,山火讓許多華裔居民失去家園,也遭受心理創傷。北加與南加的團隊攜手合作,不僅提供物質幫助,更給予災民情感支持和資源指引。

執行長彭一玲(Elaine Peng)回顧了聯盟自2012年成立以來的發展歷程。她表示,免費心理健康暖線(1-800-881-8502)每天從早上9點到晚上9點,用國、粵、英語為有需要的人提供支持,每月接聽近1000通電話,幫助他們走出困境。她感謝支持者,並希望新的一年能幫助更多人。



On January 18, 2025, under the vibrant spirit of the Lunar Year of the Green Snake, the Mental Health Association for Chinese Communities (MHACC) held its 13th Annual Lunar New Year Celebration and First Charity Fundraiser at Pacific Lighthouse. Over 300 attendees gathered to celebrate and support the cause.

San Francisco District 11 Supervisor Chyanne Chen attended the event, presenting MHACC with an award to recognize its contributions to community mental health. “Mental health resources are critical for our community, but cultural barriers often make it difficult for people to seek help,” Chen said. “I am committed to advocating for increased resources in this area.”

Carole Wang, Senior Duputy Executive Director of MHACC, shared her recent experience with wildfire disaster relief in Southern California, where many Chinese residents lost their homes and suffered emotional trauma. She highlighted the collaborative efforts of the Northern and Southern California teams in providing both material and emotional support.

Elaine Peng, Executive Director of MHACC, reflected on the organization’s progress since its founding in 2012. She emphasized the importance of the free mental health warmline (1-800-881-8502), which operates daily in Mandarin, Cantonese, and English, handling nearly 1,000 calls monthly. “Our mission is to ensure that no one feels alone,” Peng said, expressing gratitude to supporters and a hope to reach more people in the new year.

The event featured lion dances, face-changing martial arts, and singing and dancing performances, culminating in a heartfelt choral performance by the warmline team. The fundraiser concluded on a high note, with proceeds dedicated to expanding MHACC’s mental health services.

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