全美陽光精神健康杯歌唱大賽報名費/ The National Sunshine Mental Health Cup Singing Contest registration fee

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點擊付款成功後,請記下訂單號碼, 回到google form 填寫再報名表的最下行空檔,謝謝!

After successfully completing the payment, please make a note of your order confirmation number and fill it in the blank space at the bottom of the google registration form.


Please note: Your registration will only be considered complete after we have confirmed receipt of the registration fee!

如有任何問題,請聯繫大賽組委會 smhsc@mhacc-usa.org

If you have any questions, please contact the competition organizing committee at smhsc@mhacc-usa.org.

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全美陽光精神健康杯歌唱大賽報名費/ The National Sunshine Mental Health Cup Singing Contest registration fee
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