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• 48% 的AANHPI青年表現出中度至重度抑鬱的跡象。
• 93% 的人表示在過去一年中經歷過某種形式的種族歧視。
• 更令人擔憂的是,每10名14至25歲的AANHPI青年中有3名曾認真考慮過或試圖自殺。
👉查看完整報告:TAAF 官方網站
Mental health among Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) youth is a critical yet often overlooked topic. In their latest report, Beyond the Surface, The Asian American Foundation (TAAF) dives into the unique challenges and stressors faced by young AANHPIs aged 14–25. This comprehensive study combines personal insights from youth focus groups with data from over 1,400 survey participants, uncovering startling realities:
• 48% of young AANHPIs show signs of moderate to severe depression.
• 93% have faced some form of race-based discrimination in the past year.
• Alarmingly, 3 in 10 AANHPIs aged 14-25 report seriously considering or attempting suicide.
The report also sheds light on sources of resilience and support, highlighting how friendships, family conversations, and cultural identity contribute to mental health. It challenges harmful stereotypes, such as the model minority myth, and advocates for tailored interventions to address the mental health crisis within this diverse community.
Whether you’re a parent, educator, policymaker, or ally, this report is a call to action. Explore the findings and discover how we can work together to create a brighter future for AANHPI youth.
View the report at TAAF's official website:
Learn more about The Asian American Foundation:
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3160 Castro Valley Blvd., Ste 210,
Mailbox # 15
Castro Valley CA 94546
Castro Valley:
3160 Castro Valley Blvd, Suite 210
Castro Valley, CA 94546
388 9TH St Suite 208
Oakland, CA 94607
3100 Capitol Ave., Suite E
Fremont, CA 94538
San Fransisco:
835 Clay Street Suite 103 (2nd floor)
SF Chinatown, CA 94108
我們 (MHACC) 提供
We (MHACC) provide a
mental health warmline,
support groups,
AI-powered apps, and
educational workshops, all services are free and available in Mandarin, Cantonese, and English, dedicated to breaking mental health stigma and fostering hope and recovery.