Lincoln Square Park in Oakland’s Chinatown transforms into a wild circus as Circus Bella and other performers including the Prescott Circus Theatre and the Sunshine Art Troupe gather for July’s Lincoln Summer Nights. MHACC and other local organizations have come together for an evening of good food, fun activities, and a grand circus. Families, friends, and community members are packed together as jugglers, acrobats, singers and dancers captivate the attention of the crowd.
Meanwhile, several booths set up by local Oakland organizations including the Oakland Chinatown Improvement Council and the Oakland Asian Cultural Center, surround the circus. At our booth, MHACC’s team handed out science kits from Science is Elementary to kids, and provided general information about our organization and available resources. It was a fun night for all and a great reminder of the strength and positivity of the community. With so many activities and familiar faces, we can’t wait to see you at the next Lincoln Summer Nights on August 10th.
奧克蘭唐人街的林肯廣場公園變成了一個狂野的馬戲團,貝拉馬戲團和包括普雷斯科特馬戲團劇院和陽光藝術團在內的其他表演者聚集在一起,參加七月的林肯夏日之夜。 MHACC 和其他當地組織齊聚一堂,度過一個美食之夜、有趣的活動和盛大的馬戲表演。 家人、朋友和社區成員聚集在一起,雜耍演員、雜技演員、歌手和舞者吸引了人群的注意力。
與此同時,奧克蘭唐人街改善委員會和奧克蘭亞洲文化中心等奧克蘭當地組織在馬戲團周圍設立了幾個攤位。 在我們的展位上,MHACC 的團隊向孩子們分發了“Science is Elementary”的科學套件,並提供了有關我們組織和社區資源的信息。 這對所有人來說都是一個有趣的夜晚,也很好地提醒了我們社區的力量和積極性。 活動如此豐富,面孔如此親切,我們迫不及待地想在 8 月 10 日舉行的下一屆林肯夏夜見到您。
Mailing Address:
3160 Castro Valley Blvd., Ste 210,
Mailbox # 15
Castro Valley CA 94546
Castro Valley:
3160 Castro Valley Blvd, Suite 210
Castro Valley, CA 94546
388 9TH St Suite 208
Oakland, CA 94607
3100 Capitol Ave., Suite E
Fremont, CA 94538
San Fransisco:
835 Clay Street Suite 103 (2nd floor)
SF Chinatown, CA 94108
我們 (MHACC) 提供
We (MHACC) provide a
mental health warmline,
support groups,
AI-powered apps, and
educational workshops, all services are free and available in Mandarin, Cantonese, and English, dedicated to breaking mental health stigma and fostering hope and recovery.