Chinese American Mental Health Summit Successfully Held in Washington, D.C.
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2024年6月27日至30日,作為美國華人聯盟(UCA)2024年美國華人大會的重要組成部分,由UCA WAVES和美國華裔精神健康聯盟(MHACC)共同主辦的全美華裔心理健康高峰會在華盛頓特區成功舉行。這次峰會匯聚了來自全國各地的華裔社區組織、心理健康專業人士、政府部門代表以及主流機構的影響力人士,共同探討華裔美國人心理健康的關鍵議題。
第一天是 "國會日",為了呼應本次華人大會的主題「擁抱新時代民權運動」。600多個亞裔社區代表分成50多個小組,訪問了281個參眾兩院議員辦公室,占議員總數的50%以上。代表們表達了社區關切的問題,包括精神健康服務、購房法案,以及將華裔歷史納入美國歷史課程的倡議等。
聯邦眾議員趙美心(Judy Chu)表示:「亞裔讓國會和各界知道了我們的存在,讓人們聽到了華裔和亞裔的聲音。」
國會山活動共同主席、MHACC執行長彭一玲(Elaine Peng)重點介紹了H.R. 7924法案,該法案旨在推進精神健康領域的文化適宜性和公平支持服務。彭一玲解釋道,這項法案的目標是通過擴大少數族裔服務機構的專業培訓計劃,來增加精神健康工作隊伍的多樣性。多元化的員工隊伍有助於減少語言和文化障礙,從而提高少數群體獲得精神健康服務的機會和效果。
Chinese American Mental Health Summit Successfully Held in Washington, D.C.
From June 27 to 30, 2024, the National Chinese American Mental Health Summit was successfully held in Washington, D.C., as a crucial component of the 2024 United Chinese Americans (UCA) Convention. Co-hosted by UCA WAVES and the Mental Health Association for Chinese Communities (MHACC), this summit brought together Chinese community organizations, mental health professionals, government representatives, and influential figures from mainstream institutions nationwide to discuss key mental health issues affecting Chinese Americans.
This summit not only provided a rare opportunity for Chinese community organizations and mental health groups to showcase their projects on a national platform but also served as an important forum for cross-sector dialogue and sharing of best practices. Participants engaged in in-depth discussions on current mental health challenges in the Chinese community, innovative service models, and the direction of future development.
Notably, President Biden sent a congratulatory letter to the 2024 UCA National Convention, affirming the important contributions of this event.
The first day was "Congressional Day," echoing the convention's theme of "Embracing the New Era of Civil Rights Movement." Over 500 Asian American community representatives, divided into more than 50 groups, visited 281 Congressional offices, representing over 50% of all members of Congress. The representatives expressed community concerns, including mental health services, housing legislation, and initiatives to incorporate Chinese American history into U.S. history curricula.
Congresswoman Judy Chu stated, "Asian Americans have made their presence known to Congress and the public, ensuring that Chinese and Asian voices are heard."
Elaine Peng, co-chair of the event and Executive Director of MHACC, highlighted H.R. 7924, a bill aimed at advancing cultural competence and equitable support services in the mental health field. Peng explained that the bill's goal is to increase diversity in the mental health workforce by expanding professional training programs in minority-serving institutions. A more diverse workforce helps reduce language and cultural barriers, thereby improving access to and effectiveness of mental health services for minority groups.
Peng appealed, "When we have good intentions to work for the community, how do we know if we're doing the right thing? We hope research institutions and universities can share their data."
During the summit, multiple organizations, including MHACC, delivered compelling presentations, introducing their services and experiences in the field of Chinese American mental health. These sharing sessions not only showcased each organization's unique approaches, but also provided valuable learning opportunities for attendees that will direct their future work.
Notably, two mobile apps developed by MHACC were designated as the official mental health care apps for the convention. These apps offer users convenient access to self-care tools and resources, showcasing the significant benefits of integrating technology with mental health services.
Looking to the future, participants unanimously agreed that increasing data collection, raising public awareness, strengthening cross-sector collaboration, and fully leveraging technological innovations would be key priorities. All of these objectives can greatly enhance the accessibility and effectiveness of mental health services.
MHACC and other participating organizations will continue their efforts to promote relevant legislation and work towards eliminating cultural barriers in the mental health field, aiming to build a more inclusive society and provide better services for Chinese Americans.
On June 30, the final day of the summit, nearly 300 Chinese Americans from 34 states and the Greater Washington area participated in the first large-scale civil rights walk. It was organized by the Chinese community in Washington, D.C. in order to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This walk, resonating with the mental health summit, further emphasized the Chinese American community's pursuit of equal rights and opportunities in American society, including the right to fair treatment in mental health services.
Ultimately, the event not only demonstrated Chinese Americans' identification with America's founding ideals, but also reflected the Chinese community's intense determination to strive for equal rights. Through such activities, the Chinese American community further consolidated its strength, laying a solid foundation for future development in mental health and related fields.
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Castro Valley, CA 94546
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835 Clay Street Suite 103 (2nd floor)
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我們 (MHACC) 提供
We (MHACC) provide a
mental health warmline,
support groups,
AI-powered apps, and
educational workshops, all services are free and available in Mandarin, Cantonese, and English, dedicated to breaking mental health stigma and fostering hope and recovery.