驚恐發作的應對方法|Coping Strategies for Panic Attacks

Mental Health Association for Chinese Communities 美國華裔精神健康聯盟

Causes of Panic Attacks (恐慌发作的原因)

  • Panic attacks can be triggered by high stress, underlying psychiatric conditions such as panic disorder or generalized anxiety disorder, significant life changes, genetic predispositions, or specific phobias. Sometimes, they occur without any obvious cause.
  • 恐慌发作可能由高压力、潜在的精神病状况如恐慌症或广泛性焦虑症、重大生活变化、遗传倾向或特定恐惧症触发。有时候,它们可能在没有明显原因的情况下发生。

Symptoms of Panic Attacks (恐慌发作的症状)

  • Symptoms include a sudden feeling of overwhelming fear and anxiety, heart palpitations, sweating, shaking, shortness of breath, chest pain, nausea, dizziness, and a fear of losing control or impending doom. The symptoms peak within minutes and are often intense and frightening.
  • 症状包括突然感到极度的恐惧和焦虑、心悸、出汗、颤抖、呼吸急促、胸痛、恶心、眩晕以及失控感或即将发生灾难的恐惧。这些症状通常在几分钟内达到高峰,强烈且可怕。

Coping Strategies for Panic Attacks (应对恐慌发作的策略)

1. Recognize the Signs (承認症狀)

  • Acknowledge that you are experiencing a panic attack. Understanding that it's a temporary state and not life-threatening can help reduce fear.
  • 承认你正在经历恐慌发作。明白这是一种暂时的状态,并不会威胁生命,可以帮助减少恐惧。

2. Practice Deep Breathing (练习深呼吸)

  • Slow, deep breaths can help counteract the rapid breathing that occurs during a panic attack, calming both the mind and body.
  • 缓慢深长的呼吸可以帮助抵消恐慌发作时的快速呼吸,安抚心灵和身体。

3. Focus on an Object (专注于一个物体)

  • Pick an object within your sight and observe every detail about it. This can help ground your senses and divert your mind from panic.
  • 选择你视线范围内的一个物体,观察它的每一个细节。这可以帮助你的感官稳定下来,并将你的注意力从恐慌中转移开。

4. Use Muscle Relaxation Techniques (使用肌肉放松技巧)

  • Progressively tighten and then relax different muscle groups. This relaxation technique can help ease the physical symptoms of a panic attack. Begin with your feet and work your way up to your face. Tighten each muscle group for about five seconds and then relax for 30 seconds. Notice the contrast between tension and relaxation.
  • 逐渐紧张然后放松不同的肌肉群。这种放松技巧可以帮助缓解恐慌发作的身体症状。从脚开始,逐步向上到面部。每个肌肉群紧张约五秒钟,然后放松三十秒钟。感受紧张和放松之间的对比。

5. Visualize a Calm Place (想象一个平静的地方)

  • Imagine a peaceful place that makes you feel safe and calm. Visualization can serve as a mental escape from the distress of a panic attack.
  • 想象一个能让你感到安全和平静的宁静场所。视觉化可以作为从恐慌发作的痛苦中逃离的一种心理方式。

6. Practice Mindfulness (练习正念)

  • Stay present in the moment. Mindfulness can reduce the intensity of a panic attack by keeping your focus on the present rather than on the overwhelming fears.
  • 保持当下。正念可以通过将你的注意力保持在当下,而不是在压倒性的恐惧上,来减轻恐慌发作的强度。

7. Seek Professional Help (寻求专业帮助)

  • If panic attacks are frequent and interfering with your quality of life, consult a mental health professional for guidance and treatment.
  • 如果恐慌发作频繁且影响你的生活质量,请咨询心理健康专业人员以获得指导和治疗。

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