MHACC花車亮相舊金山農曆新年大遊行 “Hope Float” Shines at SF Lunar New Year Parade

Mental Health Association for Chinese Communities 美國華裔精神健康聯盟

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2月15日,舊金山農曆新年花車大遊行 盛大登場,數萬名觀眾齊聚市中心,共迎蛇年。

美國華裔精神健康聯盟(MHACC) 「希望花車」 亮相巡遊,以溫暖的大熊貓造型和 閃亮的字母氣球展示 1-800-881-8502 心理健康暖線,提醒社區關注心理健康。MHACC 志願者們沿途向市民揮手,傳遞關懷與支持。

本次遊行匯聚 舞獅、武術、傳統戲曲 等精彩表演,並首次帶來 500 架無人機燈光秀,在夜空中呈現 金龍翻騰、祥蛇盤繞,融合科技與傳統,為新年增添壯觀視覺盛宴。

舊金山農曆新年慶典不僅展現華人文化魅力,也象徵社區團結。MHACC 透過參與,呼籲大家關注心理健康,讓幫助的力量觸及更多人。

On February 15, thousands gathered in San Francisco to celebrate the Lunar New Year Parade, marking the Year of the Snake.

The Mental Health Association for Chinese Communities (MHACC) proudly debuted its "Hope Float," featuring a friendly panda design and shimmering letter balloons displaying the 1-800-881-8502 mental health support line, promoting mental health awareness. MHACC volunteers waved along the route, spreading warmth and encouragement.

The parade featured lion dances, martial arts, and traditional performances, alongside a spectacular 500-drone light show, forming images of a golden dragon and a coiled snake in the sky, blending technology with cultural traditions.

As one of the largest Lunar New Year celebrations worldwide, this event highlighted unity and cultural pride. Through its participation, MHACC continues to advocate for mental health awareness and support within the community.

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