2024 街會慶典暨歌唱大賽|Street Fair and Singing Contest (EN|CN)

Mental Health Association for Chinese Communities 美國華裔精神健康聯盟


The AAPI Heritage Month celebration street fair and the National Sunshine Mental Health Cup Singing Contest

05/04/2024 - 05/05/2024

這週末的兩天街會完美落幕! 全美首屆陽光精神健康盃歌唱大賽也圓滿結束,冠亞軍選手已經產生。 來自全美各地的選手們的歌聲如天籟之音,在奧克蘭的上空迴響,為奧克蘭唐人街增添了一抹亮麗的風景。 感謝MHACC歌唱大賽籌委會成員、所有志工、參賽者、評審、贊助商以及各協辦單位的大力支持。 我們一起克服困難,讓唐人街熱鬧非凡。 期待明年再相聚!

The two-day street fair concluded perfectly this weekend! The first National Sunshine Mental Health Cup Singing Contest also came to a successful close, with champions announced in all categories. Contestants from across the U.S. filled Oakland's skies with melodious songs, creating a beautiful scene in Chinatown. Thanks to the MHACC singing contest committee, all volunteers, contestants, judges, sponsors, and partners for their support. We overcame many challenges to make Chinatown lively and joyous. See you next year!



執行長 彭一玲 敬上

Elaine Peng

🌟 📢 媒體報導




🌟 📢 Media Coverage

——The grand celebration of the AAPI Heritage Month Street Fair and the first National Sunshine Mental Health Cup Singing Contest was successfully held on May 4th and 5th in Oakland's Chinatown. Despite the rainy weather, the event went on uninterrupted, attracting thousands of attendees. Nearly 100 booths offered a variety of food and entertainment, filling the fair with laughter and joy.

——This event, organized by MHACC, received tremendous support from numerous guests and community leaders, adding much prestige to the celebration. Singers from across the United States competed in three categories, showcasing high-level performances that became a highlight of the event.

——The festival not only showcased the diverse culture of the AAPI community but also promoted mental and physical health through music therapy, emphasizing the importance of mental wellness. The successful event revitalized Chinatown and significantly enhanced community cohesion and participation.

世界日報報導(World Journal)—屋崙慶亞太月 街會風雨無阻

世界日報報導(World Journal)—台裔歌手莊婷婷 高唱回家送祝福

星島日報報導(SingTao Daily)—陽光精神健康盃歌唱賽風雨中展開




由美國華裔精神健康聯盟MHACC www.mhacc-usa.org 主辦的亞太裔傳統文化月街會慶典,以完美的姿態成功落幕,近半英里的熱鬧街會和精彩絕倫的亞裔表演,吸引了上萬名來賓!全美首屆陽光精神健康盃歌唱大賽塵埃落定,三個組別的冠、亞、季軍全數出爐!總額12000美金💲獎金已全部發放完畢!來自美國各州選手的歌聲宛如天籟,似百靈鳥在城市上空迴盪,歌聲笑語傳遍社區的每個角落!如果您也願意來一展歌喉,請掃碼報名,參加來年五月的全美陽光精神健康盃歌唱大賽!



冠軍:Qiqi Li (成人組)


冠軍:彭遠良 (長青組)

亞軍 :

鐘蔓芩 Manqin Zhong (成人組)





Lu Yu (壯年組)


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