北加州華人文體協會運動會 | Nor-Cal Chinese Cultural and Sports Association Athletic Conference | August 2023

Mental Health Association for Chinese Communities 美國華裔精神健康聯盟

2023 Northern California Chinese Cultural and Sports Association Athletic Conference

     The date is August 12, a bright and sunny day, and hundreds of people have gathered at Sequoia High School in Redwood City for the 2023 Northern California Chinese Cultural and Sports Association Athletic Conference. The event kicks off with the opening ceremony, with each team walking a lap around the track in their vibrant and colorful uniforms. Banners are held proudly, and booming chants can be heard from all around as teams prepare themselves for a full day of competition and festivities.

     MHACC’s team can be seen wearing bright green shirts and waving colorful flags as they make their way around the track. Our goal at the conference was not to compete, but rather to spread mental health awareness and offer resources to attendees. Flyers, general information, and sports-themed stress balls were handed out, and several people stopped by the booth to chat and learn more. Although we did not bring home any medals, the event was a success and a win in our books. We hope to see you at the next one! 

8月12日是陽光明媚的一天,我們聚集在雷德伍德城的紅杉高中,參加2023年北加州華人文體協會運動會。 開幕式上,每支隊伍都穿著充滿活力、色彩繽紛的製服繞著賽道走一圈。 當球隊為一整天的比賽和慶祝活動做準備時,橫幅自豪地舉起,周圍響起了震耳欲聾的口號。

   MHACC 的團隊穿著亮綠色的襯衫,在賽道上揮舞著彩色旗幟。 我們在會議上的目標不是競爭,而是傳播心理健康意識並為與會者提供資源。 我們分發傳單、資訊和運動主題的壓力球,有些人在展位前停下來聊天想了解更多。 儘管我們沒有帶回任何獎牌,但這次活動非常成功,是一次成功的活動,希望在下一場見到您哦!

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