了解加州和美國的心理健康隱私法律/Understanding California and US Mental Health Privacy Laws

Mental Health Association for Chinese Communities 美國華裔精神健康聯盟

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隨著對心理健康問題的關注日益增加,了解相關法律保護尤其重要。 這篇文章旨在為心理健康患者及其家人提供關於加州和美國醫療及心理健康資訊隱私保護法律的關鍵資訊。



HIPAA 是美國的一項聯邦法律,旨在保護個人的醫療資訊。 此法律要求醫療保健提供者保護患者健康資訊的隱私,並規定醫療資訊的使用和揭露條件。 重要的是,HIPAA 保障病患取得並更正其醫療記錄中的錯誤或不完整資訊的權利。


CMIA 是加州的法律,進一步增強了 HIPAA 的聯邦保護。 它禁止未經授權的醫療資訊揭露,同時定義了廣泛的「醫療資訊」範疇,允許個人對因疏忽洩露機密資訊的實體採取法律行動。





ADA 是一項重要的聯邦法律,旨在保護殘疾人(包括精神健康問題人士)在就業、公共服務、公共住宿和電信方面免受歧視。 它確保有心理健康問題的個人在就業過程中不受歧視,包括招聘、晉升、工作分配、解僱和其他與就業相關的活動。 雇主也必須為身心障礙員工提供合理的便利,包括心理健康狀況,以履行基本的工作職能。


平等就業機會委員會是一個聯邦機構,負責執行 ADA 和其他禁止工作場所歧視的法律。 它提供指導和監督,以確保雇主遵守禁止基於殘疾(包括心理健康狀況)的歧視的法律。


根據 ADA 和 EEOC 指南,處理有心理健康問題的員工或求職者的雇主有特定的責任和限制:






如果您認為自己因心理健康狀況在工作中受到歧視,可以聯絡 EEOC 提出申訴。 EEOC 將進行調查,並在必要時提供法律救濟。


Understanding California and US Mental Health Privacy Laws

As society's awareness of mental health issues deepens, understanding the relevant legal protections becomes increasingly important. This article aims to provide key information on California and US laws concerning the privacy of medical and mental health information for individuals with mental health concerns and their families.

Protection of Health Information

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
HIPAA is a crucial federal law in the US that sets standards for the protection of certain identifiable health information. This law mandates that healthcare providers who transmit health information electronically must safeguard patient privacy. It also regulates the use and disclosure of medical information, including requiring healthcare providers to accommodate patients' requests to access or correct their medical records.

California Confidentiality of Medical Information Act (CMIA)
The CMIA is a law in California that bolsters the federal protections provided by HIPAA. It prohibits healthcare providers, healthcare service plans, or contractors from disclosing medical information without authorization, except in specific circumstances. The law broadly defines "medical information" to include personally identifiable information held by healthcare providers or plans and allows individuals to take legal action against entities that negligently release confidential information.

Patient Rights
Patients in California have several rights regarding their medical records. These include the right to be informed about who has accessed their personal health information, the right to request and obtain copies of their medical records, and the right to file complaints about potential violations of health privacy laws.

Protection in Employment

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
The ADA is a significant federal law designed to protect individuals with disabilities, including mental health conditions, from discrimination in employment, public services, public accommodations, and telecommunications. It ensures that individuals with mental health issues are not discriminated against in the employment process, including hiring, promotions, job assignments, termination, and other employment-related activities. Employers are also required to make reasonable accommodations for employees with disabilities, including mental health conditions, to perform essential job functions.

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
The EEOC is a federal agency responsible for enforcing ADA and other laws prohibiting discrimination in the workplace. It provides guidance and oversight to ensure that employers comply with laws prohibiting discrimination based on disability, including mental health conditions.

Employer Responsibilities and Limitations

Under the ADA and EEOC guidelines, employers handling employees or job applicants with mental health issues have specific responsibilities and limitations:

  • Evaluating Ability, Not Health Status: Employers may inquire about a candidate's ability to perform essential job functions but should not directly inquire about their mental health status.
  • Providing Reasonable Accommodations: Employers should provide necessary work adjustments if an employee requires special arrangements or support due to a mental health condition.
  • Maintaining Employee Privacy: All information related to an employee's health condition should be kept confidential.
  • Avoiding Discrimination and Bias: Employers must not make discriminatory employment decisions based on an employee's mental health status.

Seeking Assistance

If you believe you have faced discrimination in the workplace due to a mental health condition, you can contact the EEOC to file a complaint. The EEOC investigates these complaints and provides legal remedies when necessary.

Important Links and Resources

  • HIPAA Official Website www.hhs.gov/hipaa
  • California Confidentiality of Medical Information Act (CMIA) Information oag.ca.gov
  • Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Information www.ada.gov
  • Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) Official Website www.eeoc.gov

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